The Complete Ski Bum's Guide to NYC | RES IPSA - RES IPSA

The Complete Ski Bum's Guide to NYC | RES IPSA

Aspen, CO — With the holidays approaching and ski season here, we have been spending this fall’s off-season daydreaming about top-to-bottom runs on Aspen Mountain and the return of the Christmas Stroll on Nantucket. The return of normal holiday traditions has us ready to return to one of our favorite holiday traditions- a December trip to the Big Apple.

After spending the majority of the pandemic in Colorado, we not only missed New York, but started seeing similarities all over ski country. We started to document these observations and want you to test our hypotheses. Whether you are a New Yorker looking to take a holiday ski trip, or a pandemic ski bum looking to return to the city that never sleeps, we hope this guide points you and your skis in the right direction.


Aspen = SoHo
Known for their plethora of shopping options, fine dining, and posh party scenes, SoHo and Aspen are an obvious match. High real estate prices and even higher brows ensure that the person enjoying a $25 avocado toast next to you at the local juice bar is either a celebrity or former sailing buddy of Jeffrey Epstein.. Or perhaps both... While local residents may come off as fake, pompous, or arrogant- they are really just normal people under all of that cosmetic dermatology.. Just dont converse for too long- they may invite you to their art gallery’s grand opening.

Taos = Hoboken
These two destinations have never lacked authenticity and charm- they are just such a pain to get to. We too have moments where we could see ourselves ditching the hustles and bustles of NYC and CO and crossing the border.


Breckenridge = Murray Hill
East of Midtown and west of Denver lives the never ending college party you dreamt of as an 18-year-old. With close proximity to “the real world” you can still live a part time adult life while enjoying a rum and coke on a Tuesday night. Why grow up when you can fit in?

Park City = Williamsburg
If Manhattan is Colorado then Brooklyn is Utah. Similar to how Williamsburg hipsters found headwear inspiration from their Hasidic Jewish neighbors, new Park City residents are taking a 
page out of their Mormon neighbors’ book by offering “housing” arrangements to girls on gap year. If your looks can’t score you a slope side basement apartment, try a hotel-turned-hostel next to the new Indian restaurant your yoga teacher was raving about this morning. To put it simply: Brooklyn and Utah are weird.

Jackson Hole = Tribeca
Don’t confuse them with SoHo (Aspen).. They are more authentic and well.. richer (just ask them). You will post a denim and suede laden instagram to justify your $1500/night stay here. With less public access than most resorts and neighborhoods, stick to these spots if crowds aren’t your thing and then lobby to raise prices when crowds of Stetson covered heads start to appear.


Vail = Midtown
If you desire remoteness and tranquility, stay away. The busiest/most frequented tourist stops on this list make for a perfect NYC/CO match. Waiting for a chairlift at Vail can feel like watching the ball drop in Times Square on New Year's Eve. Probably the best people watching in both NYC and CO. Jokes aside, we love Vail, but the author is writing this from Aspen. Did you know our Vail store is located on Wall Street?


Snowmass = Upper East Side
While Aspen and Snowmass are often talked about in the same breath don’t think the two are the same. Similar to Upper East Side’s vibe, Snowmass offers an escape from the hustle of the big city and is the preferred destination for young families and older, partied out Aspenites. While Snowmass may seem more chill and easier going than Aspen- don’t think you will be saving on rent or that acai bowl you just overpaid for. But at least you didn’t have to wait in line for it?


Telluride = Upper West Side
Known for being remote, expensive, and challenging to navigate, Telluride is Colorado’s Upper West side (literally and figuratively). With the pandemic changing our social habits, Telluride and UWS have seen a surge in new residents seeking lavish, off the beaten path instagram posts.

Crested Butte

Crested Butte = Gramercy
Located in the middle of Colorado and Manhattan, Crested Butte and Gramercy share many similarities. If you don’t have a place IN Gramercy or Crested Butte, you cannot get access to the park and must resort to Union Square Park, or even worse, Gunnison, CO. Gramercy and Crested Butte are nice but they don’t need outsiders to confirm. Stay away and don’t tell your friends.


Bozeman = Bushwick
Forget Williamsburg, Bushwick is the new hipster mecca. Forget Park City, Bozeman is the new off-the-beaten-path destination for backcountry skiing enthusiasts. It is totally ok, and even encouraged, to make fun of Williamsburg and Park City in both of these up and coming towns. If you are interested in learning more about your neighbor’s tenure in the neighborhood, ask them how they feel about the Whole Foods coming to town.


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